Intro to IoT using ESP8266, MQTT & NodeRed


Note: Known-good versions of the prequisites are available is the git repository for this workshop.




  • Install Mosquitto (Fedora: dnf install mosquitto, Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install mosquitto)
  • Install ESPTool, this is only needed if you need to flash the ESP8266 module. (Fedora: dnf install esptool, Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install esptool)
  • Install java (Fedora: dnf install java, Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install default-jre)
  • Add your user the the dialout group so you can access the serial port (edit /etc/group,  sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} dialout && newgrp dialout)

Kit Contents

Workshop kit contents

Please check to ensure you have all the parts to your kit. Clockwise from the top, the parts are:

Exercise 1 - Lighting an LED

RGB LED moduleExercise 1 board layout

Computers process binary data, a series of bits representing true and false. When interacting with the real world, modern computers generally represent this as a high and low voltage. In particular, with the ESP8266, true is ~3.3V, and false is around 0V.

In this exercise, we will set up your board so you can turn an LED on and off. We will be working with a breadboard, the ESP8266 module, and the RGB LED module.

Breadboards have internal wiring which make it easy to prototype electronic circuits on them. The breadboard diagram adjacent shows the typical internal connections (your board may vary slightly). There are horizontal busbars for distributing power, and smaller vertical strips in the middle for connecting devices.

  • Plug your ESP8266 module into the breadboard, across the centre connectors, on the left hand side, with the USB connector pointing left. If your breadboard is brand new, it may be a little stiff, so be careful not to bend the pins. It may help to wiggle it back and forth to allow the pins to settle. The top pins should be in row B, and the bottom pins in row I.
  • Plug your RGB LED module to the right of the ESP8266, in the top half of the board, with the LED facing you. It doesn't matter which column it is installed in, just make sure it is horizontal so that the pins are not shorted.
  • Plug a black jumper wire from the G port on the ESP8266 to the leftmost pin of the top (-) black/blue busbar. This provides ground to the top busbar, which we will use to connect other devices to. Note that on the workshop breadboard, the busbar only extends half the length of the board.
  • Plug a red jumper wire from the 3v3 port on the ESP8266 to the top (+) red busbar. This will provide power to our devices later.
  • Now that the busbars are connected to the ESP, we can connect our devices. Look on the board of the LED where you should see that each of the legs are labelled. Find which column the negative (-) leg is plugged in to, and connect this column to the (-) busbar with a black jumper wire.
  • Plug red, green and blue wires from D3, D4 & D5 on the ESP8266 to the R, G & B pins on the LED.
  • Double-check the connections on your board, it should look like the image to the right.
  • Plug the ESP8266 into the computer via the USB port.
  • Launch ESPlorer (Windows: run esplorer.bat   Linux: run java -jar ESPlorer.jar)
  • Connect to the ESP8266: select the correct serial port, set the speed to 115200, hit "Open". You should see the something like the window below, with a '> ' prompt. If not, you can press the reset button on the ESP8266 to restart it. Don't worry if you see a message saying "cannot open init.lua" - this is normal.

ESPlorer connection diagram

  • In the bottom right panel (left of the "Send" button), enter the following, hitting "Send" after each line
    • red=3
    • green=4
    • blue=5
    • gpio.mode(red, gpio.OUTPUT) -- (this sets the pin denoted by the led variable to be an output)
    • gpio.mode(green, gpio.OUTPUT)
    • gpio.mode(blue, gpio.OUTPUT)
    • gpio.write(red, gpio.LOW) -- (the led should turn off)
    • gpio.write(green, gpio.LOW)
    • gpio.write(blue, gpio.LOW)
    • gpio.write(red, gpio.HIGH) -- (the led should turn on)
  • What happened? Why do you think that happened? How could you fix it?
  • How do you get the other colours to light?


Exercise 2 - Dimming the LED

Turning the LEDs on and off is great start, but for an RGB LED to be truly useful, you need to be able to dim them so you can effectively mix the colours. Unfortunately, most I/O lines on modern computers cannot output an analog signal. Instead, we can take advantage of a property of our eyes where our perception of the brightness is proportional to the amount of energy it emits over a short period of time. To do this, we flash the LED quickly, and vary the ratio between the amount of time it spends on and off. This technique is known as Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).

  • Enter the following:
    • pwm.setup(red, 1000, 1023)
    • pwm.start(red) -- (the LED should turn on)
    • pwm.setduty(red, 0) -- (the LED should turn off)
    • pwm.setduty(red, 511) -- (the LED should be dimmer)
  • How do you set the brightness to 25% and 75% brightness? What is your perception of those brightnesses?
  • Can you mix colours to get cyan, magenta and yellow?
  • How do you get white?


Exercise 3 - Reading a switch

Button module

As well as being able to output data, computers can read data in from their I/O lines. We can force a line to 0V by pulling it to ground with a switch, but what happens when the switch is not engaged? The I/O line is left floating, and will give random readings, which will result in the switch being falsely triggered. To correct this, the module adds a resistor to the 3.3V, so that when the switch is not pressed, the line reads true.

  • Insert the switch into the breadboard, alongside the LED
  • Connect - on the switch to the (-) busbar using a black wire
  • Connect the middle pin to the (+) busbar using a red wire
  • Connect S on the switch to D1 on the ESP8266 with a coloured wire
  • Enter the following:
    • button = 1
    • gpio.mode(button, gpio.INPUT, gpio.PULLUP)
    • print(
  • What does it print? Repeat the last command while holding down the button. What does it print now? Why does it behave like that?


Exercise 4 - Event based programming

One modern programming technique is known as "event based programming". This technique reduces development effort by allowing the program to respond to certain events when they occur, instead of repeatedly checking that an event has occurred. As a first step, let's respond to a button press.

  • Press "Open" in the top left, then select "buttontest.lua"
  • Press the "Save to ESP" button at the bottom, the program should be uploaded to the ESP8266 and run automatically
  • Press the button you plugged in, what happened? Why did it behave like this?
  • Read the gpio.trig documentation, can you alter the program to only send a message when the button is pressed?


Exercise 5 - Toggling an LED

In home automation, we often want to toggle the state of something every time a switch is pressed. To do this, we need to keep track of the current state so we can decide what the next state is.

  • Open & save "button-led.lua"
  • What happens when you press the button? Why does it behave like this?
  • Can you change the program to toggle between red and blue?

Exercise 6 - Making noise

Passive buzzer bodule

Audio feedback is often useful to let the user know that an action has been performed or an input accepted. Let's add a buzzer to the project so we can make some noise. There are 2 buzzers in the project, an active one which produces a single tone (which is just on/off, like an LED) and a passive one, which can produce different tones. We want the passive one. To identify which one is the passive one, connect (-) on the buzzer to ground, and S to 3.3V. The passive buzzer will click, while the active buzzer will sound a tone.

  • Add the buzzer to the breadboard, alongside the switch
  • Connect a black wire from - on the buzzer to the (-) busbar
  • Connect a coloured wire from S on the buzzer to D8 on the ESP8266
  • Open & save "button-buzzer.lua"
  • What happens when you press the button?
  • Read the documentation for tmr.delay and pwm.setup, can you change the pitch and duration of the tone?


Exercise 7 - Getting connected

Congratulations! If you've made it this, you have learnt enough to work with the bulk of the modules in your kit. Now, the real power of the ESP8266 is that it can connect to Wifi networks, and interact with other computers.

First, let's see what wifi networks are around.

  • Open & save "wifi-list.lua"
  • After a few seconds, it should list which networks are available, write down the one you should be using (ask your instructor if you are unsure)
  • Open "settings.lua", and update the SSID with the one you identified previously, then save it to the ESP8266
  • Open, save and run "wifi-connect.lua"
  • After a few seconds, it should report that it has connected

Now, let's start up the Mosquitto server. Mosquitto implements the MQTT message passing protocol, which allows computers to share messages without requiring knowledge of the source of destination. This server will allow us to bring together many modules and allow them to interact without requiring them to know about each other. Messages are communicated on topics, so every message that is sent must specify a topic. To receive messages, we need to tell the server which topics we want to listen for.

  • On Windows, doubleclick on esp-workshop\windows_x64\mosquitto\mosquitto.exe (this will start a black window), on Linux, in a new shell, type 'mosquitto'
  • On Windows, doubleclick on esp-workshop\windows_x64\paho.exe, on Linux, run 'esp-workshop/linux_x64/paho'
  • Create a new connection by hitting the green + in the top left (the default connection settings should work)
  • Hit connect, the log in the right should say "Connected"
  • Create a subscription by hitting the green '+' under Subscriptions, then enter '#' as the topic (this shows all messages)
  • Adding a Paho subscription
  • Hit the 'Subscribe' button, the log should show "Subscribed   #"
  • Publish a test message with the topic "test" and the message "hello", the log should the message being published and received
  • Pulishing a message in Paho
  • Identify the IP address of your computer:
    • In a shell/command prompt, for Windows, run "ipconfig /all", for Linux, run "ifconfig -a"
    • Write down the IP address of the network interface you are using for the workshop (probably a wireless interface, wlXXX in Linux)
  • Edit settings.lua and enter the IP address for mqttServerAddress (replace xx.xx.xx.xx)
  • Open & save "hello-mqtt.lua"
  • You should see a new received message from the ESP8266
  • Can you change the topic and message that the device sends?


Exercise 8 - Sending a message on button press

Now that you know how to send messages, let's use what we learnt earlier to tie the button presses with message sending. Here, we have added the button press code, but only activate it once the MQTT session is connected. Instead of lighting an LED, the button callback now sends a message to the server.

Observe that in this example, we use the MAC address (physical unique network address) of the Wifi interface as a unique identifier. This way, we can have multiple modules speaking to the same server, and we can tell which one sent the message.

  • Open & save "mqtt-button.lua"
  • Press the button and observe the messages received in Paho

Exercise 9 - Receiving messages

Here, we build on top of the previous exercise by subscribing to a test message.

  • Open & save "mqtt-subscribe.lua"
  • Try publishing messages to the "test" topic via Paho. What happens on the remote node?
  • Now try using the topic that the ESP8266 said it was listening on. Now what happened?

Exercise 10 - Switching an LED based on received messages

 Let's now add to the previous exercise by switching the blue LED based on incoming messages. Again, we use the MAC address to uniquely identify our device.

  • Open & save "mqtt-led.lua"
  • Look at the function "setBlueLED", what values can you send for the message? What can you do with the LED?
  • Turn the LED on using the Paho client and what you have figured out from the previous step
  • Can you expand the program to work with the red and green LEDs too?


Exercise 11 - Sounding the buzzer based on received messages

Let's bring in the last bit of hardware now by enabling the buzzer.

  • Open & save "mqtt-buzzer.lua"
  • Look at the function fireBuzzer and the documentation for string.match, how do make the buzzer sound?
  • Turn an LED to 50%, and sound the buzzer with a low frequency. What happens to the LED? Read the pwm.setclock documentation, can you explain why this happens?

Exercise 12 - Coordinating interaction with NodeRed

We're done with the device programming for now, instead, we're going to use NodeRed to coordinate the interactions. First, let's use NodeRed to toggle our LED when our button is pressed.

  • Windows: From a Node-JS Command Prompt, run node-red  Linux: Run node-red, then point the FireFox web browser at http://localhost:1880
  • Drag an Input MQTT node from the left panel to the current flow in the centre
  • Double click on the new node, then add a new server
  • Set the hostname to 'localhost' and click Add
  • Set the topic to the button topic from your device, the QoS to 0, and the name to "Button"
  • Configure MQTT input node in NodeRed
  • Drag on output/debug node from the left panel, and drag a connection from the button to the new debug node
  • Press Deploy and wait for the "Successfully deployed" message. You should see a "Connected" message below the button
  • Select the Debug tab on the right panel
  • Press the button on your device, you should see messages appear as you press and release the button
  • Drag an output MQTT node into the flow, Set the topic to your blue LED
  • Connect the new node to your button
  • Deploy your changes
  • Press the button on your device, what happens?

Exercise 13 - Toggling with NodeRed

  • Drag in a function node, Name it "Toggle" and add the following
    • // Only toggle the LED if the button is pressed
      if (msg.payload == "1") {
          // Set an inital value
          context.state = context.state | false;
          // Toggle the state
          context.state = !context.state;

          // Set the output to 1 if the state is true
          // or 0 if false
          msg.payload = (context.state | false) ? "1" : "0";

          return msg;
      } else {
  • Connect the toggle between the button and the blue LED
  • Connect the debug module to the toggle output
  • Press the button on your devices, what happens with the debug output and the LED

Exercise 14 - Multiple device interaction

The power of these devices is unleashed when you have many devices in the network, and they can interact.

  • Form small groups, and nominate one laptop to be the MQTT server for the group
  • Update settings.lua on all the nodes to specify the IP address of that server
  • Rerun mqtt-buzzer.lua on all the nodes to ensure the latest settings are used
  • Identify the address of someone else's node in your group, alter the flow in NodeRed so that your button controls their LED
  • Try expanding your device to use different sensors from the kit. How would you connect them? Does the code on the device have to be changed to support it? What changes in NodeRed do you have to make to read different sensors?
