Error message

The specified file temporary://filerdhxJo could not be copied, because the destination directory is not properly configured. This may be caused by a problem with file or directory permissions. More information is available in the system log.

Installing Eclipse

Eclipse Install

Running Eclipse for the first time

  • Download and extract workspace.7z from the bottom of this page. This will give you an Eclipse workspace that is preconfigured with extensive syntax highlighting.
  • Launch Eclipse, and select your new workspace
  • Extract the eclipse-updatesites.7z archive from the bottom of this page
  • We will now be installing the following Eclipse plugins:
    • AnyEdit Tools - cleans up whitespace on save
    • Eclox - provides Doxygen parsing
    • MultiClipboard - provides support for multiple clipboard
    • EGit - manage Git repositories within Eclipse
  • Click on "Help", "Install New Software"
  • Click on "Available Software Sites", "Import", then select the eclipse-updatesites.xml you extracted earlier
  • Exit and restart Eclipse
  • Click on "Help", "Install New Software"
  • Select the "Anyedit" update site, "Eclipse-3.5-3.7 Plugins", and install "AnyEditTools". Restart when prompted
  • Click on "Help", "Install New Software"
  • Select the "AVR Eclipse" update site, then "AVR Eclipse Plugin". Restart when prompted
  • Click on "Window", "Preferences", "AVR', "Paths" and configure your AVR toolchain. If you are using Inferno Embedded AVR Tools, you should set up the following custom paths (examples are for a 64 bit Windows install):
  • Click on "Help", "Install New Software"
  • Select the "Eclox" update site, then Eclox". Restart when prompted
  • Click on "Help", "Install New Software"
  • Select the "Multi Clipboard" update site, then Multi Clipboard. Restart when prompted

Importing Flame

  • In Eclipse, select File, Import, Git, Projects from Git, Clone URI, then enter as the uri:
  • Select "master" as the repository to clone
  • Eclipse will spend a while cloning the repository andindexing all the code, then you are ready to compile
  • Select all the projects in Project Explorer (or just the projects you care about), right click and select "Build Configurations", "Set Active", "ATmega328P_20MHz" (for the MHVBoard), or whatever is suitable for your target platform

Building Flame

  • Right click on "flame" in "Project Explorer", then select "Build Configurations", "Set Active", and choose the build configuration you need. MHVBoard R2/R7 users should choose ATmega328p-20MHz
  • Right click on "mhvlib" and select "Build Project"
  • The same procedure can be used to build any of the tutorial projects

Uploading to the Microcontroller

    • Build your project (see above)
    • Right click on the project in "Project Explorer", select "Properties", "AVR", "AVRDude" and select a programmer configuration from the Programmer tab (not the configuration selection on top, which allows you to have multiple configs, we use this to support different microcontrollers)
    • You can create a new programmer configuration by selecting "New", and filling out the details from the table below. The supplied workspace already has a few common programmers setups added
    • If you are using an MHVBoard (or other bootloader that needs an explicit reset), reset your device
    • Right click on the project in "Project Explorer", select "AVR", "Upload Project to Target Device"
Name Programmer Speed Port
MHVBoard R2/R7 usbasp blank blank


Arduino Mini w/ ATmega328

stk500 115,200  

Arduino Uno

Arduino Ethernet

Arduino 115,200 <your serial port>

Arduino Duemilanove w/ ATmega328

Arduino Nano w/ ATmega328

Arduino Mega

Arduino Fio

Lilypad Arduino w/ ATmega328

Arduino Pro/Pro Mini w/ ATmega328

Arduino 57,600  

Arduino Duemilanove w/ ATmega168, Diecimila

Arduino Nano w/ ATmega168

Arduino Mini w/ ATmega168

Arduino BT

Lilypad Arduino w/ ATmega168

Arduino Pro/Pro Mini w/ ATmega168

Arduino NG

Arduino 19,200  
Arduino Mega 2560/ Mega ADK stk500v2 115,200  


Updating Flame

  • To fetch the latest version of Flame from the git repository, issue a "git pull" in the flame directory


Useful Information

  • Keyboard shortcuts can be configured in Windows, Preferences, General, Keys
  • Syntax highlighting can be configured in Windows, Preferences, C/C++, Editor, Syntax Coloring
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